In addition to capital projects funded by the District Five-Year Capital Plan, Facilities Services plans and undertakes annual projects required to maintain capital assets through their anticipated economic life and prevent any premature deterioration of these assets. Funding for these projects primarily comes from the Ministry of Education Annual Facility Grant (AFG), augmented by District minor capital funding. The AFG funding is based on a complex formula involving number, size and age of facility assets, enrolment, etc.
The District Facilities Renewal Program (FRP) is a multi-year plan that contains these projects, is based on information received from maintenance managers and forepersons, facilities planners, Learning & Business Technologies and District Health & Safety managers, and is intended as a cyclical renewal program for critical facilities systems throughout the District. The FRP is broken down into 10 categories: Building Envelope, Interior Construction & Finishes, Electrical & Security Systems, Audio-Video Systems, Fixed Equipment, Mechanical Systems, Plumbing Systems, Grounds, Health & Safety Programs, and Learning Services Support.
To view the most current FRP, click here.